Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Not-So-Suble Digs

They are living in my home! Every day, I get a couple of digs. Sometimes they're directed at me and other times they're directed at the husband. They include:

  • The husband doesn't spend enough time with his "daddy." (Feel free to barf at will.)
  • You both go through a lot of wine. "We just don't drink very much." Well, guess what, you would if you were in our situation!
  • "I'm just glad to see you eat." The digs about my weight are constant.
  • "Did he go to the club?" "Does it bother you that he's never home?" Well, no, it doesn't bother me. He has his interests and I have mine. Our marriage is fine. Although we're not joined at the hip 24/7, we prefer it that way.
  • "We're really not dog people."

Okay, fine. Live somewhere without a dog. My dog is a maniac and I spend an endless amount of energy to keep her out of their way. She's not well trained; she's a puppy. Oprah has a dog trainer on today so I must TIVO it. In my opinion, the dog has as many rights as they do.

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