Saturday, February 21, 2009

A Snuggie Gift

After my rant about the Snuggie craze you probably think I'll never own one. Guess what? I now own two.

It seems someone took it upon him or herself to send me an anonymous gift of two Snuggies. They are royal blue and exactly as described on the infomercial. I haven't used one yet but it is snowing and cold today so I might curl up with one later.

Since I have no idea who sent these to me I will send this thank you note into cyberspace. Many thanks to my Snuggie elf!


janis said...

Ha Ha HA! I get dips on the spare when I am there. Especially in the basement. Lets have a movie night soon!

Anonymous said...

I sent this to you from prison,


The Unibomber

Anonymous said...

Who loves you the most? We dont need these down south. I had to send to my favorite cousin. Hope you enjoy!! I love you .