Thursday, February 26, 2009

An Unintentional Blog Vacation

Many comments have come my way about my infrequent posting of late. It is very flattering to be missed.

Some new curves have been thrown at me lately and as I navigate my way through them, I have had to let some other things slide. But not for long! The opinions have not stopped and I have many postings festering in my little brain.

If you care to check back in a couple of days, I should be back on track. In the meantime, I must celebrate a wonderful oldie's birthday (my father) and enjoy some of the birthday dessert prepared by his favorite oldie (my mother.) I get to crash the party just by being here.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are being wise.
Be good to yourself-
mary d

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Paul!

Just got back from the Boat Sport and Travel show with Dad and he can't wait to get back fishing with you this spring.


Anonymous said...

I have missed your blogs so I am very happy to hear that you will be back. HAPPY MEOW BIRTHDAY pAUL. Patsy