Thursday, March 12, 2009

Bye Bye Babies

My assignment with the 12-year olds at the not-for-profit agency is over. They make assignments based on upcoming events and for me to continue I would have to commit to a 6-week period. I can't do it. Maybe I'll be sorry but I think not. It does not give me any time to pursue employment that I am actually able and willing to do.

So, it's back to the temp agency for my next assignment. There's no guarantee that they'll have one. If they do, there's no guarantee it will be any better than this one although I did ask them to refrain from telephone sales. We shall see.

I might even miss some of my little (and big) coworkers for a minute. At least I have my coffee mug for a souvenir.

"Hope is the feeling you have that the feeling you have isn't permanent."
Jean Kerr


janis said...

You are a little richer for the experience, and we enjoyed the stories and smiles from getting to her about this journey.
On to bigger & better adventures in store you!
We all can't wait.

Mark Pressley said...
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Mark Pressley said...
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Mark Pressley said...

Any chance of painting that prized hint of puce coffee mug black and firing it over to your motivation coach?

I can not type this morning!!!