Monday, December 8, 2008

The Biter

My oldies have two dogs. One is sweet and playful. Meet the other one, Ashley the Biter. She will bite anyone except my father. She routinely bites my mother and she's caught me a couple of times since I've been here.

Now I will only pick her up when she is wearing a sweater.


janis said...

Ha Ha! Poor Ashley! The funny thing is she looks so sweet. I always want to pet her but I am afraid she knows Riley bit Paul and revenge will be sweet for her!

cecily crossman said...

I see your oldies are still dressing the dogs.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to read your blog on the Illinois Governor. USA Today provided a laundry list of his transgressions.

I know this is far from the post I am responding but was sure you would probably comment.

As the article said, "I am sure Lincoln is turning in his grave"

How sad for the people from Illinois.


Anonymous said...

I did not know until I read Jan's response that you could enlarge the pictures. Learn something new every day. Patsy