Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Indiana in the National News Again

(Photos from

This is Marcus Schrenker, the guy who parachuted out of his plane over Georgia and allegedly staged his own death. Unfortunately for him, he forgot that most dead people don't allow themselves to be photographed while they are retrieving their motorcycle from storage and they don't send emails to a neighbor proclaiming innocence. He has been captured now in Florida and is expected to be charged with a variety of crimes across several states.

(Usually when someone from Indiana makes the national news it is almost guaranteed to be someone who meets the following criteria:
No teeth or very bad teeth;
Badly dressed;
Horrible grammar;
Standing in front of a shack, usually with multiple lawn ornaments and a car or two on cement blocks.
The best part in our national portrayal is these people are not criminals. They're witnesses to something horrific whether it's a crime or a natural disaster.)

Talk about a bad couple of days. In addition to the failed attempt to stage his death and disappearance, Schrenker just buried his stepfather and his wife has sued him for divorce, claiming infidelity. He's also questioned and accused of some investment shenanigans that clients and the government both frown on. Just one of these things might send someone reeling but the whole house of cards seems to be collapsing.

He isn't toothless or obese. Until recently he seemed to have it all: a multi-million dollar home, a beautiful wife and three children, fun toys like expensive boats, cars and planes, etc. He doesn't need to witness a disaster -- he's living one.


cecily crossman said...

He also slashed his wrist. He's getting lots of press here.

Anonymous said...

Not that I find humor in all of this, I do feel bad for his family but . . . when I was reading all the comments (all 102) from the article on the other night a man wrote "while they're looking for him in Alabama could they also look for the Ball State football team? The last we saw of them was they were heading to Mobile for a football game and they never showed up!"

Sorry, but I couldn't stop laughting at that one. Kim

Anonymous said...

He bailed out over Alabama not Georgia.

Anonymous said...

Sorry,Mississippi can top your criteria--we have dog pens in the front yard and in the back of pickup trucks,satelite dish on the side of mobile homes,Christmas lights that are up all year, trampolines in trees the hurrican"blowed up in 'er". Don't get me wrong this is my home and I would never leave it..but just once I would like to see a college graduate interviewed on national television..wait I'm a college graduate..they could interview me.