Saturday, November 10, 2007

Side by Side

Marriage is work and people will go to extremes. Some people make it look easy but they're not fooling me.

We knew the cutest couple. They were in their 70s when we met them almost two decades ago. We played golf with them and enjoyed their company for many years. They used to come to the Meatball Band's gigs. She was kicky (she used to be a Rockette) and he was dapper. Money was not an issue for them so after their children left home, they bought side by side condos. They went out to lunch every day and had a date every evening.

Think about the positives: No poking when one or the other is snoring. No morning breath. No fighting about the dog. You can say, "It's time for you to go back to your condo now."

Think about the negatives: No curling up with the person you've made vows with. No middle of the night conversations.

The husband is very urban. He's lived in many cities. When we were renovating this house, we lived downtown for a few months. I liked it; he loved it. I still need to be able to walk outside and a balcony does not count. I need feet on the ground. I need trees and a yard. I need a dog running around -- the husband does not but at least he tolerates it.

We jokingly talk about this side by side condo idea. He could keep a clean and pristine place. I could live next door and move among my piles and clutter. We could get together in the morning for coffee and the crossword. We could meet for a drink in the evening and discuss our days. Oh wait, this is what we do now.

Side by side condos sound interesting but we could never live that way. We'd be breaking into each other's homes after an interesting dream or constantly calling. I'd rather be side by side in person.

Plus, I'm pretty sure I'd still end up living with the oldies.

1 comment:

cecily crossman said...

The "side by side" condos sounds a wee bit like my life - but mine's better!