Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thankful and Full

Today is Thanksgiving and I am truly giving thanks.

We ate early to accommodate schedules. As much as I stressed about the meal, it was unnecessary fretting. Everything turned out well and I believe a good time was had by all. At least no one left hungry. Plus, there's enough football on today to seduce the husband into a coma for hours.

I am thankful for:
The baby home from college and sharing our Thanksgiving traditions.
My father's annual blessing before we eat.
Looking around the candlelit table at loved ones.
The simple fact that we are safe, warm and well-fed.
My mother's culinary contributions. Yum!
The husband taking the dog for a walk after dinner.
The mother-in-law's help with setting the table and chopping endless onions and celery.
The husband and the baby doing the majority of the clean-up detail.
The oldies are going to visit the husband's brother and family for Christmas.

I am sad and/or cranky about:
The grown-up daughter who couldn't be here. There is an empty spot in our day.
Hangdog -- but I'll save the details for another day.

There may be lots of problems in this world. But for today, let's all be thankful for the people who give us a warm heart and a safe haven.

I hope you hug a pet, tell a friend "I love you" and toast the loved ones around your table.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Sandy said...

Thanksgiving dinner was perfect, as always. No matter whst is going on in your home, you and Dan always manage to be great hosts. Thank you.

Sandy said...

Sorry about my typo. You would never know that I make a living typing.