Thursday, November 1, 2007


There's a chill in the air. I love this time of year even though winter is looming. I like the crackle of leaves beneath my feet when I walk the dog. I love the colors. It's sensory overload.

There's a chill in this house. Actually, it's more like the big freeze. The oldies are mad at the husband. He's not getting the cold shoulder, he's getting the entire frozen physique. I try to be the defroster but I can only do so much. It's emotional overload.

They conveniently forget everything the husband has done for them. They forget that he has his own worries and concerns. They forget that he runs a company and lots of people are depending on him every day. They forget that they created and raised this person. They forget that they are in our home and they are bashing my husband. Not a smart plan. I keep my emotions in check. I AM learning.

I do what I can and now I'm just waiting for the thaw.

I've been eating a lot of leftover chili these days. It seems appropriate.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once again, I say "hang in there" Love, Patsy