Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Different Kind of Date

The husband and I planned to have a dinner date last night. It didn't happen. He was caught up at work and by the time he came home, we got into an endless (and pointless) discussion with the oldies. I'm being kind by using the word "discussion." At 10:00 P.M., I'm lying on the sofa and he asks, "So what's for dinner?" I pointed toward the kitchen and said, "Knock yourself out."

We steal our moments. We go for walks and we definitely meet up with friends on a regular basis. The hardest part about living with the oldies is the lack of privacy. They are completely kind about it but you can't start a discussion without someone walking into the room. They hide out from us; I know they are trying to stay out of the way and that makes me sad. But, I get a little antsy when I can't have a conversation with the husband. Lots of nights, we sit in the garage or spend hours on the patio. Sometimes, we go in my closet. How bizarre is that?

He needed some routine blood work done and we both needed a flu shot. We went this morning. We had car time together and a couple of quick discussions. It wasn't the date I had in mind but in some weird way, it was still fun.

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