Thursday, October 4, 2007

One of Those Mean Girls

Recently, I sat with two friends and a gaggle of dogs, enjoying the last summer days. I made a saucy comment, which my friend Cynthia found witty. My other friend said with a straight face, "Oh, you were those mean girls in high school."

Was I?

I remember doing some mean things -- mainly when someone was taking advantage of Jan. She didn't need me to protect her but there I was! If you're going to mess with her, you have to go through me. It's almost 30 years later and I feel the same.

I remember saying some mean things. Ok, let's stop kidding. I say mean things every day -- usually to the husband or the oldies. But, I don't remember saying a lot of mean things in high school. I don't think I had the mental capacity.

My mom and I can say mean things to each other. We're just screwy enoungh to find it funny later. We are extremely honest: "You hurt my feelings," or we make unwelcome comments about each other's lives. The worst is, "I'm just disappointed."

Young girls can be cruel. I remember it from my childhood, I've witnessed it with the daughter and I've watched it with my friends' daughters. I'm oversimplifying but boys just punch something or someone -- girls get verbally vicious. They turn partially Amish and shun someone.

The good news is they grow up and (usually) become nice and kind people. If I was a mean girl in high school, I had a good reason. I'm not a mean girl today. I would never intentially be cruel. If I come across that way, it just means my mouth got ahead of my brain.


janis said...

You were NOT a mean girl! Just smart & witty. I was always just so compliant and didn't realize that I was getting taken advantage of, until you would make it crystal clear that someone shouldn't mess with me. I felt honored. And I would like to think that on that rare occassion, I was there protecting you or defending you. Mean? Nah, just strong.

cecily crossman said...

I think teenage girls are mean because they're insecure. But there's no excuse for grownups.

I know you're not mean - but I have a sense of humor that gets me in trouble once in a while - I'll bet you do too.

Sandy said...

You have a mean mouth sometimes (you get that from me), but you are not a mean person. I agree with Cess that teenage girls are mean. They are trying to figure out who they are and cover their insecurity.