Thursday, October 11, 2007

Dear Mr. or Ms. Anonymous

This blog has been up and running about six months. It's not attached to a website or any other web vehicle so people who read it have either:

Been told about it
Been begged to read it
Stumbled on it
Met my mother

I'm still figuring it out. I'm not very good with links and some of the other bells and whistles. But, I'm diligent and determined -- doesn't that count for something?

One of the crucial decisions you make with a blog is whether or not to allow anonymous comments. I said yes. I said, "Bring it on!."

Sometimes people are freakishly honest. Sometimes they unearth a memory. Sometimes they spark an idea. Sometimes they put me in my place or slap me back to reality. It can be brutal but it always makes me think.

Blogger can occasionally be difficult to maneuver. Lots of people have figured out that they can go in as "Anonymous" and then they sign it. That makes me smile. They didn't want to be anonymous but skipping the hoops allowed the comment to still be posted.

I read every comment. I sit on my hands sometimes so I'm not tempted to go back and respond.

Thank you Mr. or Ms. Anonymous. Please keep commenting.

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