Thursday, October 4, 2007

Aren't the Comics Supposed to Make You Laugh?

I love to read the paper. It's my favorite routine of the day. Read the news of the city, state and world while working my way to the section that includes the puzzles and the comics.

I'm partial to the older comics like Peanuts or Family Circus. I enjoy Zits because there is still a teenage boy in my life. Bizarro makes me laugh out loud almost every day. That's the reaction I want to have when I'm reading the funnies. My local paper moved Dilbert to the business section and Doonesbury to the editorials.

So what is up with Funky Winkerbean? Cancer, rehab, hospice, finding a child given up for adoption... The ill woman in the strip died this morning. This is not appropriate for the comics page -- we can all find this reality in daily life.

I have no idea what's going on in this writer's head. I can only imagine it's personal and tragic. But, it doesn't belong in the comics.


cecily crossman said...

I love Zits. He's a sweet, smart child but still drives his parents crazy - and visa versa. Real Life!

We don't have "Funky Winkerbean but "For Better or For Worse" is kinda like that sometimes.

Right now grampa's dying and his wife has mixed feelings.

Rummy said...

Why isn't it appropriate? Who said illustrated comics are supposed to be funny? Ignoring it, and shaming people going through it, won't result in hope which, along with donations and research, is needed to help stop BC from killing over 40,000 real people every year.

Sandy said...

I agree with you. I think illustrated comics are supposed to be funny, make you laugh, but also relate to real life situations. However, I don't want to be depressed after I read them.