Thursday, October 11, 2007

While You Are Sleeping

Some people sleep all night -- you lucky people!

Here are some of the things I do while you are sleeping:

Say lots of prayers.
Wash a load of clothing and fold it.
Make writing or business notes.
Plan menus, even though I don't cook very often.
Fret and pace.
Watch episodes of I Love Lucy or The Andy Griffith Show.
Unload the dishwasher.
Re-read the last People Magazine.
Wake the dog up so we can both be miserably awake together.
Make to-do lists of things that will never get done.
Watch movies that I've seen over and over and over.
Go through emails and respond/delete.
Tackle the stack of mail and catalogs.
Sneak in the oldies' room to see if any new ghosts have come to visit.
Sit in the baby's room and wallow in the memories.
Call people who might be up. I know who you are.

Eventually, I crawl into bed and (as I'm told,) start to snore. It's the husband's time to get up and escape. I'll grab two hours and then get up to work out.

By the way, he paces and snores too.

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