Sunday, October 21, 2007

My Personal Chef and Courier Service

It started innocently enough. My mother said to me, "If I have time, I'll make an apple pie to send over."

Apparently the apple does fall far from the tree. I often say (even if it's just to myself,) "If I have time, I'll ..."

Read one of my fun books
Take the dog to the park
Update my iPod
Sit on the patio
Catch up on correspondence
Watch some of the shows I've recorded

It has NEVER crossed my mind to add, "Bake a pie" to this list.

But, I am grateful it crosses hers. We all love pie and if capable, I knew the Unabomber would turn cartwheels at the suggestion of a homemade apple pie. (Just that vision in my mind makes me giggle.)

Later, she called and said, "I have an extra meatloaf if you want it. All you have to do is bake it." Well, duh! Bring it on.

I added a couple of side dishes and Abracadabra .... dinner!

These items were delivered to me by my favorite courier -- my father. He might be semi-retired but my mother and I keep him hopping by running back and forth between our homes with various deliveries. I think he enjoys it because it gives us time for a visit. He fills me in on their lives. This is never new information; I've heard the news during one of the twelve conversations I've had with my mother on any particular day but I like getting his perspective.

Lest you think I am completely and totally spoiled, the courier truck does carry things both ways. I've even sent food to their house although not nearly enough. Usually, it's books or magazines.

Okay, I admit it. I am totally spoiled. I'm hoping that my mother continues to think, "If I have time, I'll cook a double recipe of .... and send some to Sheri." Then I get food and I get to see my favorite courier.


Sandy said...

I actually hate to cook in my kitchen, so on the rare times when I do cook, I like to make enough for an army. I also like to share. Next time, I whip up something, I need to also share with your "sister." Aren't we lucky to have such a willing courier? Couldn't do this without him.

Sheri Riley said...

You're welcome to cook in my kitchen any time. You can make yourself at home and make enough to share with my sister.

cecily crossman said...

Naturally, I LOVED reading all of this.