Wednesday, October 17, 2007

It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

I try not to wallow in the should have, could have phases of my life. Occasionally, someone will remind you of some stupid decision you made and you have to either laugh or cry.

Actually, I have more regrets about things I didn't do than the ones I did.

What is going on with this week or this month? All around me, people are making decisions that I think are short-sighted and wrong. I am very close to super-gluing my mouth shut. No one is asking my opinion -- but they will.

I am never the smartest person in the room. (Well, at the moment I am the only person in this room so I guess technically I am.) But, if they gave out prizes for the most opinionated, I would win that competition or come in second to Big Daddy.

So, I'm watching this flurry of activity within my household and with some of my friends. Even when I disagree with their choices, I remind myself that some of my missteps seemed like a good idea at the time.

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