Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Looking in the Mirror

I can't figure out when I started avoiding the mirror. It's been several years. I can actually do my hair and put on a slight bit of make-up without ever seeing my reflection. If eye liner is required, I can do it in 5 seconds, minimizing the mirror time.

I'm not fat and I'm reasonably toned for my age. Those three-way mirrors in the department stores are depression on a cracker. That's probably why I don't shop. I have a full-length mirror in my closet and I avoid it like I avoid birds. It gives me the creeps.

I'm not afraid of aging -- I just don't want to watch. I've earned every line. I laugh and cry often and those are the lines I'm most proud of. I could pack a lunch in my forehead but I tell myself that it just means I'm expressive.

God willing, I've got some time to go. I'm terrified of needles so I don't see any plastic surgery in my future.

Some people tell me I look exactly like my mom. They're wrong but I'll take the compliment. Sometimes, people tell me I am the female version of my dad. Ok, he's darn cute so I'll take the compliment. Once I took my Uncle Ken and Aunt Cess to the husband's office. She's my dad's sister. Everyone said, "You look so much alike. This must be your mother." I'll take the compliment.

The oldies have one of those magnifying mirrors. Can you imagine?


cecily crossman said...

You don't look like me. You are movie star gorgeous. I wish I looked like you! My Boyfriend still remembers exactly what you were wearing when he met you.

janis said...

You are a perfect combination of your parents! Your gene pool was very good so you are fortunate. I am still trying to figure out how my daughter, your namesake, resembles you so much. I do believe you that you had your DNA injected into her somehow. She inherited your personality & wit as well! Lucky girl!

Sheri Riley said...


Do you remember that day when you were still carrying the baby and you almost broke my hand while they were flipping her inside you? That was the day I decided to inject some DNA.

She got my hair. She got my sassy attitude. She got your good looks and the intelligence from both you and your husband. Lucky for you, so did daughter #2.