Thursday, October 18, 2007


Lots of people are tracing their roots. The Internet has opened a new world of information and made it accessible in a way that was never available before. I have no desire to trace my roots. I have the family albums. I know the family stories. My wildly imaginative mind can fill in the rest.

Big Daddy's family lives forever. Longevity is on their side. We will all see Willard Scott salute them on a Smucker's jar.

Are you cracking up that Lynne Cheney was doing research for a book and discovered that her husband, our Republican vice president, is an eighth cousin of Democratic presidential candidate, Barack Obama? Well, I am. Instead of making some long and lofty speech, the Obama spokesman released this statement: "Every family has a black sheep." Funny and classy.

I care about roots. Mine have grown out about an inch. I'm sparkling like a Christmas tree. So, you go track your family history. I'm going to go get my roots touched up.

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