Monday, October 15, 2007

Theme Dressing

It's that time of year. The ridiculous sweaters and sweatshirts are coming out of the mothballs. Pumpkins and other Halloween things are adorning various articles of clothing. I ran a couple of errands yesterday and they were everywhere. Sunglasses are recommended.

Next up: The Christmas sweaters. Some are gaudy. Some are quite beautiful. Some are stupid. Some have bells on them so the person jingles when she walks. Ear plugs are recommended.

In the interest of full disclosure, I admit it. I own some of these items. I have a black jacket with pumpkins, witches, bright-colored leaves, etc. on it. A few years ago, I wore it to church and when I came home, Big Daddy said to me, "Don't you think it's wrong to wear a jacket with witches on it to a worship service?" Ooops!

I still own a couple of Christmas sweaters. They're in my cedar chest and they haven't participated in the holidays for a while. I have a couple of Christmas sweatshirts and I usually unearth them when I'm decorating the tree or wrapping gifts. They don't get to go out of the house but they do make me a little cheery. It's a ritual. Kind of like Brenda Lee's, Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree.

I own a pair of jingle bell earrings. They give me a headache but I think they're funny so I wear them once a season. Grab your ear plugs if you see me headed toward you.

Beyond dressing a person, some people have theme costumes for their pets. Okay, okay, Gabby has a Santa hat. She only wears it on Christmas Eve. She does not own a Halloween costume.

I also own a sweater set (black, of course) that has a repetitive theme of champagne toasts. I wear it every New Year's Eve. I think it's tasteful but I suspect some of my friends are laughing behind my back.

It's okay to make fun of these costumes. I'm still a (closet) member of the club.

1 comment:

janis said...

today I went to Meijer & was very tempted to purchase a buy one get one @ 1/2 price special of lovely Halloween theme "vest" these were oh so special! I figured we could wear them out together for lunch!