Monday, September 22, 2008

Getting Caught

I'm reliving my college days through the baby and many of my friends' children. I'm also kneeling and praying a lot. (Dear God, Please keep them safe.) College is growing up, learning and making choices. It's also a wild and reckless abandon that forces you to fall back on your morals and decide which chances are worth taking.

Some people have the magician act down. They can turn a situation -- a feather boa into a dove. Others roll the dice and decide the possible repercussions are worth the risk.

One of the wonderful perks of aging is learning from mistakes or bad decision-making. I used to think I was cursed. No matter how large or small the mistake, I will be the one who gets caught. I now consider this a blessing because something fired in my brain that reminded me, "Don't do it! You will get caught." (Not that I didn't do my fair share but I almost always got caught.)

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