Monday, September 29, 2008

Is the Grass Greener?

My next door neighbors have two young children and an aging dog, Winston. He is gray and old (the dog, not the husband) and I'm thinking his vision is not quite what it used to be. He wanders. He sometimes wanders over here.

The neighbors were preparing for a party, complete with caterers and valet parking. Greeters in white jackets and waiters with trays.

I was doing laundry and hanging unmentionables in the trees. (They can't see my backyard so I was safe.) I did sort of drape myself over the fence as a voyeur.

Then I sat on the patio with underwear flapping in the air and Winston decided to come back over. Winston wanted to party with me.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like it was much more relaxed at your place. Patsy

Anonymous said...

I am beginning to see more and more of the south in you..cant wait to come to your house for a party...Beth