Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Age Old Debate

It's interesting that the nomination of Sarah Palin as a vice presidential candidate has reignited the debate about whether women can have it all: marriage, career, family. Of course I have an opinion but in the interest of full disclosure:
I have never run for public office.
I have never sought power, only a decent living and recognition for work well done.
I have never had a pregnant teenage daughter.
I have never had a "special needs" child. (I hate this term. Show me the child that doesn't have special needs.)
I have never put my career ahead of my family but maybe I should have.
I have never said goodbye to a child headed off to serve our country in a foreign land.
I don't own a gun and I've never shot a moose.

I have almost zero in common with Sarah Palin. It doesn't stop me from studying her. And as a feminist, I admire lots of women, on both sides of the political arena, who choose to serve in government positions. It looks dreadful to me.

We had an interesting debate the other night. A group of people, fresh from seeing our friend sworn into a federal judgeship, talking about the election and the candidates. It got a little animated.

Vice presidents serve in different ways. Some are confidants and trusted advisers. Others are sent to state funerals and marking time in case the president dies.

The debate rages on. I think some women do have it all but they have a strong support network and we never cover the sacrifices they have made.

Frankly, the little I know about Sarah Palin's life exhausts me. But I'm watching.

1 comment:

cecily crossman said...

I like what you've said. Very even handed.