Friday, September 19, 2008


I was taught to respect my elders and those in positions of authority. Some people think this means total wimping out. I disagree. It means you clamp your sassy tongue and speak your mind in a respectful way. If you disagree with your parents, you make your case calmly and honoring their position. If you get pulled over by a policeman, it's a good idea to call him "Sir." He's putting his life on the line every day; I think he's earned it.

Labor Day is a big, big day at our club pool. Everyone seems to want a last breath of summer fun before the pool closes. This year, I planted myself in Cocktail Corner for the weekend. (I went home to sleep.)

I am way over the fashion statement of boy's pants below the equator. I don't want to see their underwear.

Most of the children/teens are taught at a young age to obey the rules, abide by the dress code, etc.

But there was this young man ...

He had a skateboard directly behind the lifeguard chair. Lots of little kids were running around so I asked the lifeguard to have him to move it out of the pool area.

Later, his pants kept swimming lower and lower. Not only was he not wearing swim trunks -- his Ralph Lauren whities were on full display, along with half of his behind. I politely asked him to pull his pants up. I believe I said something like this:
"You may not realize it but this is a private club and we have a dress code. There are tons of children running around."

In a way that I would've never imagined, he got in my face.
"I don't see a dress code posted anywhere, Bi***." (Cute, huh?)

I decided to ignore him but our club manager showed up and asked to know whose guest he was. The young crowd he was with became extremely respectful. He was asked to leave. As he exited the pool, he pulled his pants all the way down.

This is a young man who is going places. (Maybe prison?) His parents must be so proud.

1 comment:

janis said...

you should have showed him your bullet.