Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Belated Apology to the Captain and the Belle

When my world was rocked several years ago by the realization that we were going to move the husband's parents into our home, I was nervous but I hope I was also welcoming. As one of my favorite songs goes, "Life was changed, rearranged."

Once again, life is imitating that song's lyrics.

And I realized that I used them as a scapegoat for many things. So, this is my letter to them:

Dear Mom & Pop,

If anyone had told me three years ago that I would miss you as much as I do, I might have rolled my eyes. No, I don't miss the falling and the illnesses. I don't miss the frying. I miss the Belle at the piano and modeling new clothes. I miss the woman who was tough as steel and gentle as a dove. I miss the Captain's stories.

You both showed me love and concern. should've listened more often. I should've said thank you more often. I should've recognized the gift of you.

Stress comes in many forms and from many places. I apologize for often placing the blame on you.


janis said...

Eve & Mike loved you so much. They did appreciate you & I am quiet sure your gentle, funny, and loving presence was the highlight of their twilight years. They often told me how much you did for them. Eve loved being the star of the blog. Remember her reading it to Mike? Trust me, without you they would not have had that song & dance (okay, so Mike didn't exactly dance, but you know what I mean). You gave them smiles and helped Eve so much with her daily duties with Mike.

Anonymous said...

Im sure that everything that Jan said is true. Patsy