Thursday, November 13, 2008


Now here is a word that completely confounds me. I cannot tell you how many people choose to introduce me to someone with, "This is my partner." And my brain goes:

Is it a business partner?

Is it a sexual partner?

Is it a life partner?

Is it a partner in a club or association?

Is it a partner in crime?

Usually the conversation will shed some light eventually. Bur for a while, I'm cracking myself up imagining different scenarios.


cecily crossman said...

Have I introduced you to my domestic partner?

Anonymous said...

I have a St. Vincent de Paul partner and every time I introduce her as my partner I wonder what people are thinking. Patsy

Anonymous said...

when people,who know me.introduce me as"our pastor's wife"...I see the look of 'you have to be kidding.'.I knew her when she danced on tables in bars in cowboy boots....and a few more that I hope time has made them forget. I consider the preacher my partner in life who saved me from myself. I know how lucky I am and I also know how lucky I was to meet Sheri,whom I consider one of my best friends for life. I envy your "golden oldies friends" I am sure I would have loved them as I do you. I had better shut up, I am going to make myself cry..where is that bottle of crown when I need it?