Sunday, November 30, 2008

Horoscope for Today

"It feels as though there was only one decision to make, and you made it."
This was my horoscope in today's paper. Hmmmm.

I don't really believe in horoscopes but I continue to read it every day. Usually, I think they're so vague that you can twist the message to fit almost any circumstances. But every once in a while it hits home.


cecily crossman said...

Many years ago a newspaper friend of mine told me that, from time to time, he messed with the horoscopes (changed them a bit) when they came in from the wire services.

I think you have LOTS of decisions to make - and you'r up to making them yourself. How exciting!

janis said...

I stopped reading Horoscopes 22 years ago when I became a Catholic.
But I must say, that is interesting what yours said.