Monday, May 28, 2007

Daddy's Girl

There's a special something that happens between daughters and dads. Both of my parents would walk through fire for me. My dad would do it doused in gasoline. My mom is my go-to person, my confindante, my friend. My dad is my soft cushion. He'll hug me and make it better. He'll show up when I need anything.

My mom had to play the tough guy during my childhood. She did not trust me a bit and rightly so. My dad thought I was his angel. (Not!) Even when I disappointed him, he made me feel like the most special little girl on this planet.

A million years ago, I was in college and I wanted to come home for the weekend. It was raining, sleeting, snowing, etc. My mother said, "No way! We are not driving to get you." Later, she called (and trust me, she was cranky) and said, "Your father is on his way." That's what dads do.

Big Daddy and our daughter have a similar relationship. For a girl, there's nothing like the approval of your dad.

I'm a big hugger. There's no better hug than one from my dad.

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