Monday, May 14, 2007

My Definition of Family

As usual, I'm bucking the norm. I don't define family by people who are related by blood. I define them by love.

In this day and age, it's not unusual to deal with step-parents, step-children, half-siblings, exes, and more. I have two children ( not blood-related) that I would put my life on the line for. I have two goddaughters (not blood-related) that I would do anything for -- I do mean anything! It may be a cliche but I would throw myself in front of a bus to save someone I love.

Once upon a time, I was a young girl who was in love with a young man. We did the traditional thing -- date through high school, date through college, get married. Somebody should've smacked us both. I did love this man and I have no doubt that he loved me (at that time.) In a non-threatening way, I will love him until the end of time. I refuse to give up his family. Like a dog with a bone, I horn my way in.

The husband has been married before too. Obviously! This has brought new people into my life that I adore. Exes, friends, ex-siblings ... the list goes on. We're all intertwined. It's complicated, yet interesting.

A few times a year, I have lunch with my first husband's parents. I don't have the vocabulary to describe how much I adore these people. Plus, I totally took their son to the mat and somehow they've forgiven me. When the oldies first moved in, I remember saying I had a lunch date with my in-laws. Let your imagination fly!

I am not blood-related to any of my girlfriends. For those in the circle we've created, there is no flash in my brain that says, "Wait a minute -- they're not family."

The oldies had polar opposite childhoods. He's an only child. She's one of a jillion -- blended family and very close. Together, the oldies produced four boys and now are blessed with 12 grandchildren. Yet, life moves on. Children and grandchildren make the obligatory calls. Well, some do. But the reality is different. Life moves on. I admit, it's painful to watch.
We've navigated the most interesting road.

These are people who have been blessed in traditonal family ties. I think they would be even more blessed if they could expand their definition of "family."

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