Wednesday, May 30, 2007

In Bed

Someone once told me that fortune cookies take on a whole new meaning if you add the words "in bed" after the fortune. We always do that. If nothing else, it's comical.

The oldies spend an phenomenal amount of time in bed. I am often perplexed. Are they tired? Are they sick? Are they bored? Is it because they stayed awake all night? I have learned not to ask these questions.

My bed is heavenly. I look forward to crawling into it every night. I love returning from a trip and sleeping in my own bed. I spent a lot of time and energy searching for the best sheets -- not necessarily the most expensive. My bed is an oasis yet, I can't imagine spending the day there.

Eat. Sleep. Repeat. If this is life as an oldie, I'll pass.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adding the words "in bed" does make fortune cookies a lot more fun...we've been doing this for years and always get a good laugh.

PS. You've been tagged. Check out my blog for the rules to the game.