Sunday, May 20, 2007


I take great comfort in routine, tradition and repetition. And, I get teased a lot for it. I like the way it feels to do something year after year. I cry when the husband reads The Night Before Christmas to our grown children on Christmas Eve. I love it when one of the kids says, "But we always do ..." I am a pest with my own parents about our traditions.

If you've raised children, you could probably quote many books: Goodnight Moon, The Cat in the Hat, (or anything by Dr. Seuss,) etc. It was a comfort to them as they tried to fall asleep.

I am the same way with movies. I could watch certain movies (and I do) over and over again. I like the fact that I don't have to stay awake until the end. I know how it ends. It's like someone reading me a goodnight story. As soon as I start to nod off, the husband changes the channel to ESPN or The Golf Channel.

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