Monday, September 17, 2007

Another Trip and The Happy Dance

Last week was interesting. The oldies spent more time in bed than out of it. I expressed my concerns more than once. Ok, more than twice. There were several days that he only came out to eat.

With that in mind, imagine my shock when they announced last night that they're going on a road trip. What? They've decided to go to Mississippi -- an 8 to 10 hour drive, depending on traffic. They'll stop along the way to visit relatives and friends. The angel on my shoulder said I should be concerned about their ability to make this trip, even with numerous stops.

The devil on my shoulder said, "Be happy!" So I moved out of their line of vision to a spot where only the husband could see me. Then, I did my happy dance! He burst out laughing but he covered it well.

Instead of trying to talk them out of this trip, we both said, (in unison,) "When are you leaving?" They fudged the answer. Something about packing and laundry and getting new clothes so I figure it will be 3 or 4 weeks away.

I take everything personally so I know they are trying to escape me and my endless questions. They need a break from us and we need a break from them. I will help them pack. I will loan all the luggage they can load.

Then, I will catch the husband's eye and I will do my happy dance again.


cecily crossman said...

And I'm doing my little happy dance for you.

Sandy said...

Let's all do a happy dance. I spoke to the mother-in-law last evening, and they definitely are leaving. You know I am fond of both of them, but you all need a break from each other. Happy trails.