Saturday, September 22, 2007

Don't Toy With Me

Have you ever watched a child's face when someone puts out a plate of cookies and then says, "You can't have one yet." Have you ever watched a dog go crazy for a toy or a bone that is just slightly out of reach?

That's me.

The oldies proposed this road trip. It was entirely their/her idea. But yes, I did get a little overly excited as did the husband. He calls me from work every day and asks, "Have they left? Are they leaving today?"

I am not subtle. I wish I could be. Instead, I start saying things like, "Great forecast today. Good day for a drive."

She's been piling clothes for days so I assume the packing is underway. A few days ago, she informed me that they had to wait for some medication to arrive from the VA. I offered to go get it. No, no -- that's not necessary! Then, we were informed that she had a hair appointment so they couldn't leave until that was taken care of.

Yesterday, the drugs arrived. I signed for them. Yesterday, she had her hair done. I don't know what today's excuse will be but I do wish she would stop toying with me.

1 comment:

cecily crossman said...

Maybe you could take them para sailing.