Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Why We Stay

I am madly and passionately in love with the husband. Sometimes this has served me well. Other times, it has made me want to beat my head against the wall so I can feel the relief when I stop and the pain abates.

Most of the time, I think he likes me a little bit too. But, make no mistake, I make him crazy. Although I have been wedded before, this is my first marriage. No one explained the complications, the idiosyncrasies, the day in and day out issues that never seem to go away. We have been married many years and we seem to keep having the same discussions.

He runs a company. There may be some opinions but ultimately, he gets to give the directives. He's in a band. They may discuss things but from my observation, if it's not ok with him, it's not going to fly. He's on committees or the head of committees. He's ok with the debate and then he's going to make the decisions he needs to make. That's part of his charm. While the rest of us could debate things into oblivion, he's made a decision and moved on.

Then he comes home and tries to order me around. My mantra is, "You are not the boss of me. Check it at the door."

I can't answer for anyone but me. Here's why I stay: When I fall into his arms at night and let the worries of the day fall briefly away, I remember how I got here. I can be mad about the oldies, some money situation, or something equally silly. I remember taking some vows.

I snuggle in, breathe in and know this is where I belong.

1 comment:

cecily crossman said...

It was clear to me the first time I saw you together that you were made for each other.