Monday, September 24, 2007

They're Off!

The oldies have actually left on their trip. I sort of kicked them out the door with my constant comments, "What can I do to help you pack?" "Do you need me to load the car?" I had a little meltdown on Saturday when she showed up with grocery bags. Yes, I did say, "I thought you were leaving on your trip. Why do we need all these groceries?"

**WARNING** They are in Nashville, TN at the moment and headed for Mississippi in the next couple of days. When she told me they were leaving on Sunday and would not make Mississippi until Wednesday (at the earliest,) I figured they're going via Canada. But, I kept my mouth shut.

The first two hours of their trip involved returning home twice. Once, she thought she had forgotten her cell phone but it was in her purse the entire time. The second time, she had forgotten her cash. Maybe they stash it under the mattress. If she has her handbag, how can she not have the cash?

Big Daddy did the happy dance. Then we made a bet. I know she has many people to see and plans to visit and gallivant for at least two weeks, maybe three. He thinks the Unabomber will berate her repeatedly to come home and be comfortable in his own bed. He's probably right but I'm hoping not.

The only thing that will keep him away is the fact that he hates the dog. If she even walks by him, he says, "Go away dog!" (I once tried to teach him her name but it took him a couple of years to remember my name so I've given up on that.)

When I was loading their car yesterday, I said, "By the way, I'm sending Gabby with you for protection." The mother-in-law thought this was very funny. He didn't get it.

They've been gone less than 24 hours and I'm hearing phantom sounds. I sit in my office and think I hear them coming down the hallway. I woke up last night and thought I heard them in the kitchen. About the time I get used to Big Daddy and I having the house to ourselves, they will return.

Even though I gripe all the time, I'll probably welcome them with open arms. And, I'll probably owe Big Daddy $5.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just kick back and relax and enjoy the time alone. Do you have an unhappy dance for the return? I still say bless you and Dan. Love, Patsy