Monday, September 10, 2007

Better Living Through Pharmaceuticals

Is it my imagination or is everyone on some happy pill?

I am not a doctor, although my doctor will tell you I like to pretend I am. There are jillions of kids being diagnosed with ADD or ADHD. (Here's a pill.) There are millions of people being diagnosed as depressed or bi-polar. (Here's a pill.) Now, there's a commercial on television about Restless Leg Syndrome. (There's a pill.) If you're jittery or on edge, I'll bet your doctor will give you a pill. And what about autism? I have no doubt it's a legitimate disease but come on. Some children are just high strung. They do not have ADD, ADHD or Autism. My leg twitches at night. I do not have Restless Leg Syndrome (if there is such a thing) and I do not take a pill. I just kick Big Daddy.

The oldies self medicate and occasionally over medicate. It's terribly frightening to me. I understand the urge to get some sleep but I can't go there. I can barely take a pill.

I had a conversation the other day with a friend and he/she said their marriage was so much better once the spouse starting taking a happy pill. I will not tell Big Daddy about this conversation because he will have me on drugs so fast I will not know what hit me. (Just kidding!)


janis said...

Okay. This is a sensitive subject. I use to be one of those people that said people over-medicate. I once worked at Damar, (a place for mentally challenged kids) and was proud that they used alternative methods, before medication. Although, I only worked there one summer, I went on three trips to the emergency, and had several brusies, bites, black eyes & scraps. I finally realized that maybe some of these kids could have used a few drugs... As an adult, I tried to stay away from even asprin unless I am dying. Other than my Zrtec for allergies I was pretty drugfree. Until I became depressed. I found it interesting to learn that other people in general do not share suicidal thoughts. I found it harder & harder to cope with daily things. I have everything to be happy for. Good health, great family that loves me, Christian life, loving friends, etc. However, something was not right. I have a family history of sucide attempts. Grandparents, parents, and a cousin that was successful in ending his life violently. I understand that dispare, and I refuse to let it conquer me. This year Lexapro entered my life and I am grateful. That little pill keeps me going without the depression interfering. So,if it gives you a better quality of life, I have to say, Thank God for the Scientist and Doctors that come up with this stuff. Do we over-medicate? Yea, some people do & some people will use alcohol or something else to ease the pain. For me, I have to do what will keep me strong & going with a happier life. I love my family too much to give them the pain I saw growing up.

Anonymous said...

Ok Sheri, I disagree with you because I work so closely every day with respected physicians in many specialties.

Yes, there are happy pills. But those happy pills can legitimately help patients who truly need help. My family member included. Thank God she is "happy again" because it was not good for a long time due to a life-threatening illness.

By the way, Restless Legs Syndrome is one of the conditions my clients regularly treat. It's a legitimate condition. It's just that the pharmaceutical companies are now marketing direct to consumers so you are seeing it in the news. It is not a new disease.


Anonymous said...

I think it is wonderful that these drugs are available for those people who truly need them. However, like so many other things, they are abused. I especially hate to see parents put their hyperactive children on Ritalin, when maybe a change in diet might solve the problem and be better for the child long term. Too many times we look for a quick fix, but it can be a slippery slope.

Sheri Riley said...

I guess I hit a nerve. Please keep commenting!