Wednesday, September 19, 2007

The Lure of Target

I love going to Target. I actually fantasize about it. I'm trying to exercise some self-control because I always get into trouble. (I have never walked into a Target without spending $100 minimum. Some trips have rivaled the national debt of small countries.) I am not a shopper but there's something about Target -- I want it all! Even the cat toys look appealing and I don't own a cat.

Yippee Yah Hoo! Today, I went to Target.

The first thing that hits you at my local Target is the dollar section. A lot of it is goofy stuff for kids but occasionally they put some good stuff in there. Forget Vegas, I hit the jackpot at Target. Readers of all strengths and multiple colors for $1. What? One dollar? I bought three pairs.

Some people enjoy buying designer shoes at $300 a pop. I bought two cute pairs of flats for $12.99 each.

I bought a pair of jeans for $22.99. I own jillions of jeans but I tried them on, liked them and made the executive decision to own them.

The rest of my list was boring: paper products, dog food, etc. I can be mesmerized in these sections too.

In the pet section, I did not escape with just food. A couple of treats, a new toy, and Oh, look at this dog cushion on sale for $12.99. Maybe I'll stick that in my office for Gabby. Yep, I bought it.

The oldies love to go to Walmart. I hate Walmart. I have had so many bad experiences with clerks, merchandise, and the clientele that I refuse to go there.

Even with my diversions, I managed to escape Target with a bill of $150. I get to back in a month and a half!


Sandy said...

I think you inherited that gene from me. I love Target and hate Wal-Mart.

Anonymous said...

I also hate WalMart but I admit that I shop there. With 2 young adult daughters it seems as though they go through a lot of body wash, shampoo & deodorant. Every once in a while I'll see something I can wear to workout in, but it's mostly toiletries and paper products. Hmmmmm.......I was at Target today too. I went in for 1 thing and ended up spending $112.00.

Love you!

janis said...

I think I read,.."I am not a shopper, but..." YES YOU ARE! Even though you don't love shopping your are one of the biggest shoppers I know! You crack me up! Don't even get started about your addiction to office supplies!

Anonymous said...

Hello? Do you think I don't read your blog? PLEAZZZE! You ARE a shopper. Don't make me tell people about your book store shopping extravaganzas...

Sandy said...

Thank you, Abby and Jan! Who is she kidding? Not us.

Anonymous said...

I sometimes do some shopping for Sheri.

janis said...

I too have had the pleasure of Sheri Shopping. She has a great sense of what she wants, where to find it & who gets what. Christmas Sheri Shopping is the best! I love Sheri Shopping! Sometimes I see myself Sheri Shopping when she has not asked me too. I will see something & say, oh Sheri will want this! BUT the girl is definitely a shopper! Big Time, and we all know it Ms Sheri.