Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Bending The Rules

The husband and I have an agreement. When I take his car and put the dog in it, I will return it to him after it has been vacuumed. It's a harmless pact that works for us both.

Today I ran errands, met someone about a project and then popped in a car wash that was nearby. I asked about interior cleaning/vacuuming. They said no, that service is not available. Then, the nice manager came out to explain it to me again. So, I had two choices: get out of line and drive to another car wash or try to bend the rules. The conversation went like this:

Manager Man: I'm so sorry, Ma'am. Our insurance policy doesn't allow us to do interiors. We have coin-operated vacuums around the corner.

Me: I'm in a dress and this is an SUV. I have meetings to attend and I am not prepared to crawl around and vacuum. Would you please make an exception?

Manager Man: I'm afraid that would be breaking the rules, Ma'am.

Me: Do I look like a cop? Do I look like a representative from the insurance company? I'm harmless. I'll give someone a $5 tip for 2 minutes work.

Worker Man to Manager Man: I'll do it if it's ok with you Sir.

So, Manager Man winked at me and said, "Pull around."

It's kind of like the night I barged my way into the drug store/pharmacy. I become a dog with a bone. Not my best feature but hey, my car is clean.

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