Sunday, September 30, 2007

Call Me Sir

My girlfriend told me a funny story about her husband. He was making fun of their neighbor because the grandkids call him Papaw. It's a fine name but we Baby Boomers get a little weird about names like Grandpa, Papaw, etc. It might make us seem old and we're not ready to be old.

Her husband decided that his (yet-to-be) grandchildren will call him, "Mr. England."

Another one of my friends expected her grandmother name to be Millie. Before her daughter had children, the son-in-law referred to her as Millie, (Mother-In-Law=MIL) but then the grandchildren started coming and now she's Dah. Go figure. She didn't get a vote.

Another friend used her initials -- CC. It went from CC to Chi Chi to Grandma Chi Chi.

I will probably be thrilled if anyone calls me Grandma. But just in case I need a back up plan, I'm going to use my initials SRR. If you blur it out and let it roll off your tongue, there could be children running around who call me "Sir."

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