Monday, July 14, 2008

My Love for George Foreman

I'm obsessed with George Foreman -- the grill, not the man. Although I'm mighty impressed with him for bringing it to me. In my little pea brain, I don't understand how people live without it. (Sort of how I feel about my iPod.)

Now that we have lost the oldies and the children have grown, I'm mainly concerned with cooking for two people. I'm quite capable with the grill but why would I want to deal with the cover, light it, stand over it in a sweat and run back and forth to the kitchen?

Especially in the summer, our idea of dinner is some piece of grilled meat, veges and a salad. Two of these three are accomplished quickly, thanks to my George Foreman.

I use it for other things. We make little egg sandwiches when the baby's here. Sometimes I make a grilled sandwich for lunch.

But my favorite part is this. If you make the salad ahead of time, you can have dinner on the table in 4 to 7 minutes.


cecily crossman said...

I have neither a grill nor an iPod.

janis said...

I like my Foreman Grill but hate cleaning it. It is easier when I use a spray like PAM. I also have a little ipod Shuffle & a Radio Shack MP but have yet to figure out how to put sones in them. My hope is to one day be cooking on the Foreman while listening to the MP players. one day...

Anonymous said...

I hope the Belle left you one of her cast iron skillets...perfect for tomato exactly do you cook an iPod? Chances are if you cant fry it we dont have them down here.

Anonymous said...

Get the steaming bags out of the baggie section of any grocery store.

You can cook ANYTHING in these little buggers and it will taste as good as what you put in them---- veggies/fish/meat/ etc. Just put some salt/pepper/butter/spice and whatever you cook will come out great!!!

I know this sounds queer but I really like the food that comes out of these steam bags.

Take care,
