Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Are You Happy?

During our goldies weekend, we did our traditional questions in a box. We all write our questions individually and dump them in. It's not unusual to draw a duplicate question. In some way it's a validation that we're all on the same page.

Asking "Are You Happy?" is a great conversation starter. We're not going for euphoria -- just more good things than bad. Turns out we all have a bunch of unhappy stuff in our lives but it's manageable. The outlets we choose (like this girlfriend weekend) help us cope.

I'm suspicious of people who are always happy. Are they drugged? Are they in denial?

Lots of our questions made me think. Some of them have been repeated but every year brings new challenges and opportunities to remind each other that we are not alone in our various struggles.

We go from whimsical to morose. Here are a few of my favorites:

Do you wish you'd had more children?
When your marriage gets tough, what makes you stay?
What worries you the most about your kids?
Are you trying to live a greener, eco-friendly life?
Are you becoming your mother?
Shoot me if ...

It probably helps to have 30+ years under our belt. We're a safety zone.


Anonymous said...

The following names have been changed to protect the innocent.This is exactly why I am not a good pastor's wife. I am not always happy--I think everyone believes we are,or worse should be. Well, I am here to say I am not always happy. I dont like being nice to people who are mean to the pastor when they disagree with him about,oh I dont know, something as unimportant as exactly what color the sky was this morning. Some days I just want to be left the hell alone, go in a closet with a bottle of Crown, and suck my thumb til I get so freaking happy that I cant stand myself. Love yall.

Sandy said...

I love anonymous's honesty!

janis said...

I am not happy today. I was yesterday, and may be tomorrow. Every day is not a happy day. Someday I will remember how to be happier again. Thank you for making me a happier person.