Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Like Peas and Carrots

Some things just go together:
Peanut butter and jelly
Little boys and a dirty dog smell
Teenage girls and an attitude
Girlfriends and laughter
Movies and popcorn
Chips and salsa
Childhood and lightening bugs

Forrest Gump said he and Jenny went together like peas and carrots. The movie was on the other night and I thought about the Captain (Hangdog) and the Belle. They went together like peas and carrots.

The husband refuses to eat peas. He thinks they're stupid. I'm not crazy about raw carrots. Maybe opposites do attract. If peas or carrots is the issue of the day, I think we''re having a good day.


Anonymous said...

How funny, the boys and I were just talking about Forrest Gump this morning. We watched it a couple of weekends ago and they loved it. Jake can do a great impression of Forrest when I ask him what Forrest said to the President. . . "I gotta go PEE!"

Keep the blog going I really enjoy it.


Sandy said...

You and Dan are like salt and pepper.