Thursday, April 17, 2008

Who, What, When, Where, Why and How

This is the incantation drilled into every journalist and most writers' heads. We don't have to think about it. It's so automatic that I would compare it to childhood manners. Someone gives you a compliment -- you say "thank you." We think, Who, What, When, Where, Why and How.

Of course, I drill the daughter, the baby and the husband with the same approach. It's not always welcome. I miss the days when they were younger and a captive audience. I miss the days when I could outrun them.

So, I'll give you a few questions. If you answer, it might provide some perspective. Aren't we all making life choices every day?

Who do you most admire?
Who do you miss?
Who do you trust?

What are you afraid of? What keeps you in that fear?
What's your favorite childhood memory?

When the chips are down, who do you count on?
When did you consider yourself a teenager/grown-up/middle-aged person?

Where is your favorite place? (I would also ask why.)
Where do you go for private time and quiet space?

Why did you marry your spouse?
Why do you belong to a particular religious affiliation?
Why do you choose some friends over others?
Why did you choose one career path over another?

How could life get better for you? Is this within your control?

Ask yourself. Ask your spouse. I hope you ask your children.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The person I most admire,miss,trust,was afraid of,and could count on was my mother. My favorite place is my childhood home where this took place and I now live. So many memories.I hope my daughter will one day feel the same. Because of my husband's job the only place I can go and be completely by myself is my car. Is it so wrong to want to sleep in the car? Don't waste your time calling me on my cell--it's never on.I choose friends carefully. I am not high maintenance and need the same kind of friends. I married my husband to save myself from me. I cannot,after 27 years,understand why he married me. Everything considered,my life is great.. Love to you both BGS