Friday, April 4, 2008

Optional Surgery

I've had my tonsils removed. I've had a few lumps or strange spots removed. I've done the days when you wait for the biopsy results. I've had dye run through some of my organs and I got to watch it on a TV screen. Call me crazy but this is not my idea of a good time.

As you know, I am terrified of needles. This does not stop me from doing routine blood work or getting a flu shot. But, I'm pretty sure I would never choose to have someone shove a needle in my arm. Let alone, take off my face and then stitch it back together.

At this age, many people I know choose elective surgery. They have themselves shot with Botox or some other gravity-defying drug. They have their eyebrows lifted. They have face lifts. They have major peels which basically involves watching your face fall off in sheets.

I'm pretty sure all of these procedures involve needles so I'll pass. I'm following the path of the Belle.

One of my girlfriends went to the doctor and was concerned about aging and various lines. Instead of accepting the big check, her doctor advised, "You are not going to stay out of the sun. You are going to continue to live the way you've chosen. You would be wasting your money." What a cool doctor!

The Belle kicked up her heels until the very end. Her lines and wrinkles were a badge of honor. She earned them.

I think I've earned mine too.

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