Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Some people claim this is a downfall to our society. We have to do too many things at once. I hope they're wrong because I'm pretty darn good at it. I can type, wait for the scanner to finish scanning and watch the news out of the corner of my eye. I can check my email and my voicemail at the same time. I can wash dishes and write copy in my mind.

Twenty years ago, I was likely the woman you saw driving with hot rollers in her hair, a cigarette in one hand and the mascara wand in the other. (I don't do this any more -- I gave up mascara.)

I watch kids texting while listening to their iPod, while carrying on a conversation. If I ever learn to text, I will be this person.

The oldies used to comment, "Would you slow down?" There's a lesson to be learned.

I suppose there's this Zen thing where you're supposed to quiet your mind and relax your body. I try. A dip in the tub and an engrossing book can take me a long way in that direction. But, I am usually swimming against the tide. My brain still races.

Multi-tasking also brings distractions. I just realized I've been running around all day with my shirt on backwards. Not the first time.


Sandy said...

You should have given up the cigarettes and kept the mascara.

janis said...

I knew Sandy would respond like that! I agree, except you don't even need the mascara, or hot rollers!