Monday, August 25, 2008

Bad Advice

The Baby is moving into the fraternity house. I went to college; I've seen a few parties in my life.

Last night we spent some quality time together while the husband was messing with the music and packing for his trip. Most moms would reinforce the necessity to study, be responsible, keep your ethics, etc.

After I hugged him to death, told him how very proud I am and smothered him with kisses, I had this advice:

If a party gets out of control, jump out a window and run like the wind.
If you don't know what's in it, don't drink it.
If a girl passes out, don't have sex with her.
Don't wear a toga without a lot of safety pins and clean underwear.

I hope you realize this is our quirky sense of humor.

My gift was one statement. The baby said, "I think you've raised me better than that."

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