Sunday, August 10, 2008


My goddaughters used to collect Beanie Babies. I collect Meanies.

Somewhere along the line, I've let people know that it's okay to tell me the unvarnished truth. Even when it hurts, I prefer it that way.

Walking around in a fog, trying to figure out what I said or did, doesn't work for me. Just tell me! Fortunately, I grew up with someone who has no problem calling me on the carpet.

I used to tell the husband that I don't have a mean bone in my body. When he started gasping for breath and I was trying to remember my CPR training, I decided to let that phrase go.

I grew up with Queen Meanie and I am her clone.


cecily crossman said...

Dear Princess Meanie

Is Queen Meanie the person who commented on your "Guilt" posting?

When was your husband gasping?

janis said...

I love both the Queen & Princess and find them honest not meanies. They are some of the few that I can take the truth from without being hurt.