Wednesday, August 6, 2008


As of today, the movie "Dark Knight" is still obliterating box office records. I won't see it. It's not my kind of movie. But I've seen the trailer and read the interviews. Heath Ledger plays the Joker and some say he may be nominated for an Oscar. Another Joker struck down too soon.

We play Joker too. My parents and several of their friends have a standing game on Sundays. My mother discovered this game and ordered it or gave the information to all of us.

We crashed the Joker party on my mother's birthday. I was shocked about several things:
We managed to surprise her.
I managed to get the husband off the golf course.
They are super serious about this game. Even as people came in and out to wish my mother a happy birthday, players would zone them out as they plotted their "strategery."
The most fun for me was playing with neighbors and friends I don't see very often. It's amazing how those relationships come full circle.

1 comment:

Sandy said...

I can't take credit for discovering the game. The Bayliffs introduced us to it, and I have told everyone I know about it and bought many games for loved ones. It is addictive.

Thank you for a birthday to remember. I'm just getting over the shock of the surprise. It was a fantastic birthday surprise.
