Sunday, August 10, 2008


I'm good at guilt. I can inflict it on others and I'm really good at self-infliction. Lately I feel guilty about:
My church attendance.
A doctor's appointment I should attend but I'm going to the lake instead.
The husband and not being there for his worries.
I mess up every day... multiple times. I like this quote, attributed to Abraham Lincoln. "It really hurts me very much to suppose that I have wronged anybody on earth."


Sandy said...

Evidently you don't feel that guilty or you would change something.

Anonymous said...

Don't be so hard on yourself-we all worship in our on way,I work for a group of 4 physicians and I still hate to go to the OBGYN-that's the only thing my physicians dont treat,you are always there for your family, including the husband. You are one of the few people I truly feel I could go to with a problem and you would not judge me. I love that about you. Beth

janis said...

We all have the guilty feelings. We all, could have, should have, would have. But the truth is, you do the best you can and move on. I do hope that you reschedule the doctors appointment though. I love you & need you to be healthy.