Monday, August 18, 2008

Fish Man

Yes, I'm referring to Michael Phelps. What a coup! What fun to watch each race and see history in the making. I think I rivaled his mother with tears when he won his eighth medal.

I'm glad his competition is over. He kept me up way past my bedtime for too many nights. Plus, I was so jazzed up that sleep was impossible.

Is he the greatest athlete of all time? Lots of commentators are debating this. Is he above Michael Jordan? Tiger Woods? Babe Ruth? I don't know. I just know he captured my attention and I became a cheerleader.

1 comment:

janis said...

My vote is YES!!! What an athlete! He seems to be so focused, such a team player, and so far, a wonderful role model! His body is questionable as to is he half fish? Size 14 shoe, tall but not that tall, and it's all torso no legs! Cutie patodie, don't get me wrong! Also, did you hear how much this kid eats?!! We enjoyed watching and cheering him on. Let's hope this young man will continue to be the GOLDEN BOY!