Monday, August 4, 2008

Swim Walking

The husband and I have now owned two Labs. Both had to be taught to swim which is a skill that is supposed to be intuitive. Our current maniac could use the ladder with her first water experience but couldn't quite muster the courage to get in on her own.

It's a little like when a child is potty trained. As of this weekend, she can now do it on her own, although she uses the ladder. She's a wuss. She doesn't swim out very far; she likes it best when her feet can still touch the bottom. Her front paws are paddling and my friend has termed it "swim walking."

I remember faking stomach aches to get out of swim lessons and then I experienced the baby doing the same. Now we both swim like fish. My mother, who spent the bulk of her teenage years in Florida, still swears she can't swim. I think she's not giving herself enough credit.

We couldn't get maniac dog out of the water this weekend. She vacillated between swim walking and actual swimming. Maybe next year she'll learn to dive off the pier.

1 comment:

janis said...

I almost choked when I read the first sentence. I had to re-read. I thought I read, "now own two Labs!"

You are a little fish!
Funny thing is yesterday I was telling Emily about how many, many years ago, we took a stab at running. Do you remember? We ran at 5:30am so no one would see us. We tried it for a short while thinking we may get use to it or even enjoy it. We both HATED IT!!! I always have hated to run and I doubt I will ever want to pick it up. I told Emily I think you felt the same way. Walk, swim, or ride is fine, but forget us running!